Friday, January 26, 2007

Miracles of January


First of all, I can't believe my last blog was almost a year ago. Lame. I will do better in 2007.

Two miracles swept me away this month. First, on January 8, after three pushes, Rachel delivered Isabel, and there she was, a beautiful, dark-haired, nine-pound baby. And then she was in my arms (not immediately but in good time), and I looked into her eyes and felt all the special ones who sent her off to this world. And now almost three weeks later, I am watching Ryan and Rachel bath her for the first time with ease and skill; afterall, they are experienced parents!

Than on the 17th, Liz pushed hard for two hours after 24+ hours of labor, and with the help of a doctor, Joseph Alek arrived. Dad was in the hall, and again, with in the hour, I held little Joseph, a totally blonde boy with long legs and light colored eyes. And then Dad cuddled with the little guy, reminding me that he's been the greatest father and husband for almost 42 years. And again, tears of joy came to my eyes as I realized that certainly I was not the only grandmother and David was not the only grandfather in the room. Liz and Alex learn quickly, and with the advice of many, the plan of parenthood, and they respond famously.

Of course, I remember each of my children's births, but the years have dimmed the details, but not the joy. Thank you for sharing your miracles with me.